
Preventing Baby Bottle Decay

(HealthDay News) -- Baby bottle decay occurs when a child's teeth -- most often the top front ones -- begin to decay when sugars from sweetened drinks or milk coat them.

This coating fosters acid-producing bacteria, which destroy the teeth.

Here are suggestions to prevent baby bottle decay, courtesy of the American Dental Association:

  • Wipe your child's gums with a soft cloth, or brush his teeth after every meal or feeding.

  • Never send your child to bed with a bottle containing anything but water -- never milk, formula, or fruit juice.

  • Let your child suck on a pacifier between feedings, but never one dipped in any sweet liquid.

  • Don't give your child sweetened drinks in her bottle or sippy cup.

  • If your water supply doesn't contain fluoride, ask your dentist about how to make sure your child gets enough.

  • Make sure your child has regular visits with a dentist, starting no later than his first birthday.

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