
Swollen Gums Can Signal Poor Health

(HealthDay News) -- Swollen gums are a symptom of problems ranging from poor hygiene to a serious health problem such as lack of vitamin C (scurvy). If you discover that you have swollen gums, speak to your doctor or dentist about determining a cause.

Here are possible explanations for swollen gums, courtesy of the U.S. National Library of Medicine:

  • Viral or fungal infection.

  • Gingivitis.

  • Ill-fitting dentures.

  • Reaction or sensitivity to toothpaste or mouthwash.

  • Side effect of medications.

  • Poor nutrition or malnourishment.

  • Scurvy.

  • Pregnancy.

The information in this article, including reference materials, are provided to you solely for educational or research purposes. Information in reference materials, are not and should not be considered professional health care advice upon which you should rely. Health care information changes rapidly and consequently, information in this article may be out of date. Questions about personal health should always be referred to a physician, dentist or other health care professional.

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