
Teething Suggestions

(HealthDay News) -- Between the ages of 3 months and 3 years, your child will be cutting his baby teeth -- a momentous occasion for parents, but a painful one for your child. The Nemours Foundation offers a few suggestions on what to do for your cranky teething tot:

  • Give your baby something cold to chew on -- but be sure it's big enough that he can't swallow it. A wet rag that has been in the freezer for about 30 minutes will feel good on sore gums.

  • Teething rings may also be used, but be careful that the liquid-filled ones don't break in your baby's mouth, and make sure they are removed from the freezer before they become completely frozen.

  • Rub on your baby's gums gently with a clean finger.

  • Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen, may help reduce pain and make your baby less fussy, but consult with your doctor before administering.

  • When your baby is sleeping, place a cloth under his head to catch drool. When your baby is awake, be sure to keep his face wiped clean of drool to avoid rashes.

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