
Your Teething Baby

(HealthDay News) -- A baby's first set of teeth usually starts to emerge at about 6 months of age. While discomfort and irritability are common in teething babies, other symptoms may be warning signs of another problem.

Here are some basics that parents should know about teething, courtesy of the American Dental Association:

  • Irritability, fussiness, drooling, and loss of appetite are common symptoms of teething.

  • Diarrhea, rash, and fever are not caused by teething, and should be evaluated by a doctor.

  • Small cysts near erupting teeth are common and harmless.

  • Tender gums may be soothed with a teething ring, pacifier, or a cream that helps numb the gums.

  • Gums can also be massaged with a clean finger or damp piece of gauze.

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