Dental Health Tips A-Z

Oral Cancer

(HealthDayNews) -- While cancers of the lips, cheek, palate and tongue are less common than other cancers, they can be fatal. However, early detection and treatment can improve your chances for survival and recovery dramatically, according to doctors at Washington University.

If you have any lump, sore, ulcer or discolored spot in your mouth that doesn't clear up in two to three weeks, you should see your doctor or dentist. Also, if you have symptoms such as persistent sore throats, sores under dentures, difficulty chewing or swallowing, chronic bad breath or a lump on your neck, seek immediate medical attention.

The information in this article, including reference materials, are provided to you solely for educational or research purposes. Information in reference materials, are not and should not be considered professional health care advice upon which you should rely. Health care information changes rapidly and consequently, information in this article may be out of date. Questions about personal health should always be referred to a physician, dentist or other health care professional.

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